Cortus ULYSS MCU / MPU range has been defined to combine a cost-effective solution with the most advanced automotive applications (Body control, Gateway, ADAS/AD…). It is a high-performance 32-bit and 64-bit automotive microcontroller built on a RISC-V architecture, running from 120MHz up to 2GHz.
AI Inference
RISC-V expert, Cortus is developing an image processing and AI inference solution based on computer vision for use in city centre.
Cortus Lotus 1 is a microcontroller for any purpose combining value, ultra-low power, compact and integrating a set of peripherals. It is a perfect economic solution for the mass market such as Home Appliance MCU needs
Cortus is designing a very high-performance RISC-V Out-of-Order processor, up to 5 GHz, which will meet the most stringent safety standards for ECUs, optronics, landing gear and all avionics parts requiring advanced high-level calculations.
smart meter
Cortus CIoT25, unlicensed ISM bands and Cortus C200 NB-IoT both answer to smart metering field. Bi directional transmission to get information, upload new software and manage any connected sensors.
smart cities
Cortus C200 actively participates in the role of IoT in the smart city of today and tomorrow. The concentration of populations in cities leads to new uses and increasing complications in the management of mobility and transport, waste security, communication, pollution and energy consumption.
Digital signage
The CIoT25 unlicensed ISM band allows any Electronic Shelf Label to be updated remotely within a 2km radius. No need to spend time in each department of a hypermarket, you can follow in real time the stock status, modify prices and manage more easily the restocking.
smart agriculture
Cortus CIoT 25 and C200 provide the best IoT solutions in agriculture. It can help envision, design, deploy and operate intelligent applications to provide real-time business and environmental information to deliver better actionable data for appropriate decision-making.
Your Smart Solution Partner
491 rue Charles Nungesser
Bâtiment Télécom II
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VAT Nº FR 43 484 893 763